EJ Program Disappointed in U.S. Announcement

The news has hit. But take heart, we will continue forth. We are saddened and disappointed to hear that President Trump has announced the U.S. will withdraw from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. However, Pope Francis has said: “We must continue to be aware...

A Transportation Tour in Stockton

On Friday, May 26th, the EJ Program hosted a walking tour together with Jasmine Leek, Founder of Third City Coalition. When it comes to getting around, we know that Transportation Equity and Health issues go beyond boundary lines. Last month the EJ Team went on a...

Environmental Justice IS Social Justice

There are so many issues advocates have to work on: jobs, homelessness, life, healthcare, etc. How do we fit Environmental Justice in? The good news is, it’s not too hard to do. Environmental Justice basically means ensuring that all communities, no matter their...

World Meeting of Popular Movements and Lent

The World Meeting of Popular Movements and Lent are two hefty subjects by themselves, but together? Mind blown… For about four days, people came together from all over the world, from different walks of life, from different faiths, to speak for those whose...

The Right Bin in Stockton

Does this item go in the landfill? Or can it be recycled? The city of Stockton has lots of resources whether it’s residential, business, industry, or outside city limits. Generally, we know that items like water bottles and soda cans are (and should be)...

What is Ozone?

We hear talk about ozone, but what actually is it? Isn’t it something high up in the sky? It can be confusing to hear on one hand how ozone is good and there’s a hole in the layer of it, and then on the other hand ozone is bad and harmful. So what then, is...

10 Ways to Have a Green Halloween

Halloween fast approaches! Whether you are decking out your yard with the scariest ghosts and ghouls, or providing but a simple bowl of candy for sweet-seekers, you can show your neighbors and candy-visitors that fairies and vampires cannot magic or scare away being...

California’s Drought & Farmworkers

Most of us are aware that the drought has affected our livelihood. We can’t use as much water for various activities such as jumping around in the sprinkler, washing cars, or watering plants. The rare rain we had last winter brightened the landscape with a kind of...

Understanding What’s Happening to Our Common Home

“Let us review, however cursorily, those questions which are troubling us today and which we can no longer sweep under the carpet. Our goal is not to amass information or to satisfy curiosity, but rather to become painfully aware, to dare to turn what is happening to...

Catholic Social Ministry Gathering 2016

I was sure I wasn’t to going to make it but I prayed anyway. When she told me my flight had been cancelled again, I groaned inwardly and sighed aloud. But let it be known, that the answer to our prayers is sometimes yes! The travel lady told me there was one flight...
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