Why is it important to reduce energy consumption? It’s important to reduce our own energy usage because it will help in not only putting less strain on the power grid but also in reducing air and water pollution. This in turn creates a better living environment for people. After just experiencing one of the hottest weeks in Stockton and seeing just how much strain was put into the power grid. I thought discussing ways to reduce energy consumption can help. Making some of these small adjustments to reduce your energy usage can have a positive effect on the environment and help reduce the amount of energy consumed by your community.

  1. Turn off your computer at night
    Computers are some of the biggest energy consumers and so it is best to shut them down after use. The Department of Energy estimates you could save 10% every month when you unplug appliances when not in use.
  2. Limit what your print at home and work
    Limiting what you print can help reduce paper waste and energy usage.
  3. Consider investing in a pressure cooker
    Foods cook in a shorter time than if you were to use an oven or stovetop.
  4. Purchase energy-efficient appliances
    One of the best ways to reduce energy consumption is through energy-efficient products. Look for appliances with the ENERGY STAR logo on them. Energy Star appliances will save you 10% to 50% of the energy required, depending on the comparison model – and much more if you are replacing an old appliance.
  5. Use advanced power strip
    An advanced power strip will help reduce electricity that is wasted when electronic devices are not in use.
  6. Choose the correct lighting
    Energy-efficient lighting, more specifically LED lighting, will help in the reduction of energy usage. Incorporating more natural light into your home will also help as well.
  7. Unplug device chargers
    Some chargers can still be using a small amount of energy when left plugged in. Best way to tell if the device is still using energy is if it feels warm when it is not charging a device.
  8. Turn off lights when leaving rooms
    Whether a room light or a hallway light, make sure to always turn off the lights when leaving rooms.
  9. Install automatic light sensors
    Installing automatic light sensors throughout your home will help reduce energy usage as well as the need to flip a light switch.
  10. Hang clothes to air dry
    The use of air drying helps eliminate or reduce usage of an electric dryer all together and is a cost friendly alternative.
  11. Use cold water when using clothes dryer
    Cold water helps in the reduction of energy usage by limiting the use of the water heater.
  12. Only wash full loads of laundry
    Washing with full loads reduces the amount of times the washer is used.
  13. Wash dishes by hand instead of using a dishwasher
    Dishwashers may still be used but washing by hand should be done as often as possible.
  14. Seal leaky windows
    Leaky/loose-fitting windows let the cold air in during the winter and the cool air out during the summer thus affecting HVAC usage.
  15. Use ceiling or floor fans
    Ceiling or floor fans consume less energy than an Air Conditioning.
  16. In winter, allow warming sunlight to filter in
    Keep the drapes and shades on south-facing windows open during the day to allow warming sunlight to come in. Close them at night to keep out the cold.
  17. In summer, block the sun’s heat
    Let any window coverings close during the day to block the sun’s heat.
  18. Dust lamps and light bulbs frequently
    Dust buildup can reduce total illumination by 50%.
  19. Close chimney flue
    Closing the chimney flue will prevent cold air from coming through.
  20. Thaw frozen foods in the fridge, not on the counter
    Thawing in the fridge will help keep your refrigerator cold.


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