From the Catholic Legislative Network:
Catholic Advocacy Day is quickly approaching, and background information is now available for the six bills that are the focus of this year’s event on April 24. Delegates from various dioceses throughout California will meet with their elected officials to be a voice for life and dignity in the state Capitol.
This year’s participants will be focusing their efforts on the following six bills, along with local issues of their choosing:
- SB 320 (Leyva, D-Chino) On-campus health centers: abortion medication(OPPOSE)
- SB 1214 (Portantino, D-La Canada Flintridge) Teacher Professional Development (SUPPORT)
- SB 1391 (Lara, D-Bell Gardens) Juveniles: fitness for juvenile court(SUPPORT)
- AB 1862 (Santiago, D-Los Angeles) Immigration Services: grants(SUPPORT)
- AB 2269 (Lackey, R-Palmdale) CalWORKs: eligibility (SUPPORT)
- SB 2701 (Rubio, D-Baldwin Park) Victims of Violent Crimes: trauma recovery centers (SUPPORT)
Click the links above to learn more about each bill or visit for the latest on these and all other bills the CCC is tracking.